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Our Schedule

Together we can make a difference by educating and preparing the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs. We believe that learning shouldn't be confined to the four walls of a classroom. That's why we've created a yearly calendar that's designed to benefit your young learner and your entire family.

Non-traditional school = Non-traditional schedule

A few benefits we think you'll appreciate about our unique schedule:

  • Our unique schedule allows students to unwind after their intensive learning periods (sessions), allowing them and their families to spend more quality time together.

  • Allows a designated time to schedule appointments, vacations and travel throughout the year.

  • Coincides with many of the break periods given to the GISD School District.

  • Reduces the approximate 3 months of learning-gain that is lost over an extended summer break.

  • Reduced burnout for both students and guides (teachers).

Sessions, Quest and Exhibitions

Sessions are made up of 6 week intervals. We do our best to line these up with already established holiday breaks. There are some months where this is not possible but for the most part you can count on a 6 weeks on and 1 week off rotation.

Quest are a series of challenges and problem-solving opportunities designed to teach students 21st century skills. Elementary Quests typically focus on broad explorations of science and curiosity, allowing students to utilize the Core Skills they are mastering to solve real-world problems and bring new ideas to life! Each Quest typically runs in 6 week intervals pairing well with our sessions.

Exhibitions are a fun dynamic way for students to show their families and community members what they have learned over the course of a session. Students plan and execute the evening's schedule and roles, refreshments, and activities. There is still a regular school day.

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